See why thousands choose WP 2FA as the 2FA solution for their WordPress websites

Really grateful for this product as it’s simple, functional and easy to use. The fact that I never have to think about it means it’s great. Thank you!


I use the paid version of the plugin and have it active on all my projects. If there are problems, then the support helps very quickly and reliably.

allan klinbail
Lucian in customer service is excellent, knowledgeable, quick and efficient and above all patient…!!!
Edward Kirkby

I had absolutely no trouble integrating this plug-in with the regular WP login. I almost regret that the free version does everything we need.

I am sceptical about security plug-ins for WordPress. Usually these plugins are fooled by real threats and give a false sense of security. This is completely different with 2fa. Thank you for your work! 2fa is the only WordPress security plugin I accept.
Daniel Jeziorski
Daniel Jeziorski

I was looking for an up to date plugin to allows for 2FA on a website where standard users have no access to the backend, this plugin fit the bill perfectly. Support staff are also helpful, quick to respond and knowledgeable.


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